Arte e Musica tra Pelmo e Civetta 2024

International Early Music Festival in Val di Zoldo

Created by maestro Andrea Marcon, the festival Arte e Musica tra Pelmo e Civetta is the summer cultural proposal created with the aim of enhancing the music, places and artistic and musical treasures that Val di Zoldo preserves through concerts, conferences and events. In this year’s edition we wanted to include a considerable number of events wishing to involve the vast territory of the Valley as much as possible, creating new synergies with various local realities and also introducing some new features.


After the opening concert entrusted to organist Jörg Halubek, the Festival will continue with a rich musical weekend involving the Spanish trio Morenos : the two brothers, internationally renowned musicians, lutenist José Miguel Moreno and violinist Emilio Moreno and Inés Moreno, harpsichordist and daughter of José Miguel. The three artists will perform in various formations, accompanying the audience on a real journey through Europe from the Renaissance to Classicism. Mozart a Londora is the program that Inés Moreno will play on the harpsichord. In 1764 the young man from Salzburg went to the English capital where he met, among others, Johann Christian Bach, son of Johann Sebastian and whose compositional style had an important influence on the young Mozart and on Viennese Classicism. The following day the trio will perform in a program dedicated to Spain and Italy to then conclude with the now traditional solo lute concert, always in the church of Fornesighe. In addition to the lute, José-Miguel Moreno will also allow the public to learn about the baroque guitar, an instrument particularly suitable for the famous Canarios and other Spanish dances of this period.


For the first time in the history of the Festival, you will be given the opportunity to appreciate the charm of medieval music played for the occasion by exceptional performers: the De Vulgari Ensemble. In addition to the evening concert, scheduled in the “A. Rizzardini” hall in Fusine, the artists will perform in the morning in a musical moment at the Ristoro Da Bepi-Pian del Crep, which will also involve the Gelatieri Zoldani. As a matter of fact, Val di Zoldo is famous throughout the world not only for its rich natural and artistic heritage but also for the art of artisanal ice cream. Gelato e Musica is therefore the name of this new special event where the Maestri Gelatieri will illustrate to the public the ancient art of making ice cream accompanied by the medieval notes of the De Vulgari Ensemble and surrounded by the marvellous splendid Dolomites, literally between Pelmo and Civetta.


Not only Music, but also Art. On Saturday the 10th of August, a conference will take place in the church of Fusine to discover the hidden treasures of the Val di Zoldo with particular attention to the eighteenth-century works of art present in the area. Giorgio Fossaluzza, full professor of Art History at the University of Verona, will present to the public some of the most significant eighteenth-century works kept in the Valley.


There will be plenty of opportunities to listen to the voices of all the ancient organs of the Valley, whose creation is the result of extremely high and multifaceted craftsmanship. For the organ builder Costanzo Antegnati, “these organs cannot be built without the aid of workers from almost all the mechanical Arts” (1608). From the processing of iron for the mechanical transmission, to that of wood for the wind chests from which air is distributed to the pipes, for the keyboard and pedalboard, for the wooden pipes and for the case that contains the instrument; from the treatment of different metals for the production of the pipes, to the processing of the leather of the bellows, to the intonation of the sound material and the timbre choices, which require high competence, sensitivity and musical taste. For the materials of the Zoldo organs, the resources of the land domains of the Republic were used, as in the case of the wood coming from the Dolomite valleys, or the metals produced from the forges of the Brescia or Zoldo valleys. Once again, the Festival celebrates this heritage: on the Callido organ of the Pieve church, the protagonist will be Jörg Halubek, German organist, harpsichordist and conductor who will propose an international program from Bernardo Storace to Johann Sebastian Bach, passing through William Byrd , Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck, Dietrich Buxtehude and Georg Muffat; Deniel Perer will return to Goima to perform on the splendid organ built by Francesco Merlini in 1780 and recently restored by him; Ruggero Livieri will play on the Agostino de Marco organ, equipped almost entirely with wooden pipes and which is a unique example in the world for its detailed and precious workmanship; in Dont, on an anonymous organ containing sixteenth-century sound material, Giampietro and Lorenzo Rosato will then be the protagonists in a violin and organ duo.

Finally, the Festival will return to Pieve with the Odhecaton Vocal Ensemble, directed by Paolo Da Col, which will present some splendid pages of the musical production of the famous Ferrara composer and organist Girolamo Frescobaldi, including the Messa sopra l’Aria della Monica.


A special thanks goes to the Municipality of Val di Zoldo, to Fondazione Cariverona and to Camera di Commercio Treviso | Belluno-Dolomiti for generously supporting the Festival. Thanks also to all the public and private institutions that collaborated and to the parishes of Val di Zoldo for the kind hospitality they offer us every year.


Paolo Da Col                                      Giulio De Nardo







Tuesday 23 July 2024, 7.00 p.m.
Pieve di Val di Zoldo, Chiesa di San Floriano
Jörg Halubek, organo


Dedicated to the memory of Donato Casal


Friday 26 July 2024, 7.00 p.m.
Fornesighe di Val di Zoldo, Chiesa di San Vito
Inés Moreno Uncilla, harpsichord


Incontro tra J.C. Bach e W.A. Mozart


Saturday 27 July 2024, 7.00 p.m.
Fornesighe di Val di Zoldo, Chiesa di San Vito
Emilio Moreno, violin   

José Miguel Moreno, lute

Inés Moreno Uncilla, harpsichord


Due penisole in dialogo


Sunday 28 July 2024, 5.00 p.m.
Fornesighe di Val di Zoldo, Chiesa di San Vito
José Miguel Moreno, lute


Viaggio tra Rinascimento e Barocco


Saturday 3 August 2024, 11.00 a.m.
Pecol, primo rifugio Ristoro da Bepi, Pian del Crep
Gelato e Musica


Saturday 3 August 2024, 7.00 p.m.
Fusine sala Polifunzionale “Almerindo Rizzardini”
De Vulgari Ensemble 


Madrigali e Ballate del Trecento italiano


Sunday 4 August 2024, 5.00 p.m.
Dont, Chiesa di Santa Caterina d’Alessandria
Lorenzo Rosato, violin

Giampietro Rosato, organ


Sonate, Concerti e Fantasie


Saturday 10 August 2024, 7.00 p.m.
Fusine di Val di Zoldo, Chiesa di San Nicolò

Alla scoperta dei tesori nascosti della Val di Zoldo

Conferenza a cura del prof. Giorgio Fossaluzza


Sunday 11 August 2024, 5.00 p.m.
Goima di Val di Zoldo, Chiesa di San Tiziano Vescovo
Deniel Perer, organ


Scuole organistiche a confronto


Friday 16 August 2024, 7.00 p.m.
Fusine di Val di Zoldo, Chiesa di San Nicolò
Ruggero Livieri, organ


Concerto sull’organo in legno di Agostino De Marco


Sunday 18 August 2024, 5.00 p.m.
Pieve di Val di Zoldo, Chiesa di San Floriano
Odhecaton Ensemble   

Paolo da Col, direction


“Messa sopra l’aria della Monica”


Free entry